FEI, a leading instrumentation company providing imaging and analysis systems for research and industry, today announced the release of the new Titan™ ETEM G2?an environmental transmission electron microscope (ETEM) that enables time-resolved, in-situ studies of processes and materials exposed to reactive gases and elevated temperatures. Developers of energy and environmental products, such as catalysts, fuel cells and nanomaterials, can use the Titan ETEM G2 to study the relationships between structure and performance by observing atomic scale processes and gas-solid interactions under conditions that mimic the operational environment.
“FEI reset the bar for highest resolution with the introduction of the Titan TEM. We then revolutionized compositional analysis with 50 times increase in speed using our ChemiSTEM™ technology. With the introduction of the Titan ETEM G2, we will deliver a similar kind of game-changing impact by extending TEM analysis to dynamic processes and interactions,” stated Trisha Rice, vice president and general manager of FEI’s Materials Science Business Unit.
“The Titan ETEM G2 system’s most immediate impact will be in helping researchers improve the performance of catalysts, such as those used to remove harmful components from automobile exhaust or to synthesize innovative nanomaterials,” said Professor Seiji Takeda, Osaka University, Japan. “ETEM is unique in its ability to allow investigators to directly view changes in the atomic structure of individual nanoparticles as they interact with other atomic or molecular entities, or respond to changes in the temperature, pressure or composition of the gaseous environment.”
Stig Helveg, senior research scientist of Haldor Topsoe, a catalyst company located in Lyngby, Denmark, stated, "ETEM’s ability to image and characterize individual nanoparticles fully complements the spatially- averaging spectroscopy-based in situ techniques, widely used in our industry, as well as experimental and theoretical surface science tools. We expect the detailed understanding of structure-function relationships, enabled by ETEM, to provide critical support for the rational design of new catalysts with improved performance.”