In response to increased assay miniaturization and low-volume dispensing applications, BioTek announces new lower limits for their microplate-based instruments with installed peristaltic pumps. BioTek's EL406™ Microplate Washer Dispensers and MultiFlo™ Microplate Dispensers are capable of dispensing down to 500 nL via their respective peri-pump dispensing modes.
The EL406 combines fast, efficient microplate washing with peristaltic and syringe pump dispensing for 96- to 1536-well microplates, and also automates magnetic bead-based sample processing.
The versatile MultiFlo offers unique parallel dispense technology, dispensing up to four reagents in one compact unit for increased lab efficiency and reduced overall instrument costs. The modular system can include peristaltic pump dispensing for low prime volumes and backflush features, and microprocessor-controlled syringe dispensing for fast and precise dispensing protocols.
Both the EL406 and MultiFlo are compatible with BioTek's BioStack™ Microplate Stacker and third party automation for unattended operation and are controlled via the integrated keypad interface or LHC software.