Porvair Sciences has announced a new range of 12-, 24-, 48- and 96 well format untreated polystyrene culture microplates for growing cells in stationary suspension or other applications where reduced cell attachment is desired.
Untreated polystyrene plates are the lab tool of choice for growing embryoid bodies and other cells where cell attachment needs to be reduced or avoided. Natural, unmodified polystyrene surfaces are hydrophobic and only bind cells and biomolecules through passive hydrophobic interactions.
Moulded from ultra-pure polystyrene in a class 100,000 cleanroom production environment - Porvair untreated culture plates are supplied with lids in individual sterile packs. The proprietary design of Porvair untreated culture plates includes raised well rims to reduce evaporation, a single position lid to avoid cross contamination and alphanumeric code marking to enable easy identification of individual wells.