The new Mastercycler nexus X1 from Eppendorf is the latest addition to the Mastercycler range of PCR instruments. It provides researchers with increased heating and cooling rates by uniting the innovative software found in the Mastercycler nexus with a fast 96-well block. All this is achieved while maintaining low power consumption and low noise emission levels (< 40dB[a]), making the Mastercycler nexus X1 suitable for work within busy life science laboratories.
A heating rate of 5°C/s means run times using the Mastercycler nexus X1 are very short, allowing several users to work on it during the course of a day. Up to three units can be combined for maximum throughput, and a booking schedule integrated into the software allows easy allocation of time to fit researchers’ schedules. When in use, the Mastercycler may be connected to a computer network, supplying email status updates on the progress of the PCR run.
“The Mastercycler nexus X1 combines short run times, low noise levels and low power consumption in a single innovative and affordable instrument,” said Dr. Kay Körner, Global Senior Product Manager at Eppendorf.