Leading immunoassay manufacturer Randox Toxicology has developed an ELISA targeting UR-144, XLR-11 and additional Synthetic Cannabinoid compounds which are commonly found in new ‘Spice’ and ‘K2’ blends. These emerging compounds have been rapidly introduced to the designer drug market in response to legislation banning previously identified compounds. As a result, other screening methods have since become out-dated, creating a difficult task for toxicologists who require a new way to detect the novel drugs.
Together with Randox Toxicology’s JWH/ AM2201 Synthetic Cannabinoids ELISA, the new UR-144/ XLR-11 ELISA provides a comprehensive solution for the rapid detection of over 55 current Synthetic Cannabinoids in urine, blood and oral fluid. UR-144 and XLR-11 are chemically different structures to earlier generations of Synthetic Cannabinoids such as JWH-018, JWH-073 or AM-2201, and therefore are not detected by any other immunoassay product on the market.
The last decade has seen a proliferation in ‘designer drugs,’ developed by changing the molecular structure of one or more existing drugs to create a new substance. Last week the United States Drug Enforcement Administration announced plans to schedule UR-144, XLR-11, and AKB48 which are often seen in falsely marketed “herbal incense” products. They are sold under various brand names, online, in head shops and even gas stations. Despite many uncertainties, the use of these products is widespread and their detection is crucial in order to eradicate their use and damaging side effects.
The Randox Toxicology Synthetic Cannabinoids ELISA package delivers the most comprehensive cross reactivity profile on the market; allowing toxicologists to ensure that samples positive with new drug blends are not concealed. A batch of samples can be economically processed with the 96 test kits, eliminating negative samples from further analysis.
Randox Toxicology is at the forefront of developing immunoassay solutions in response to the widespread designer drug movement. In addition to the new Synthetic Cannabinoids ELISA, Randox Toxicology offers a range of leading designer drug solutions including ELISAs for the detection of “Bath Salts” (Mephedrone, Methcathinone, MDPV) and a comprehensive 11-plex biochip array which can detect up to 110 novel drug compounds.