The Spectrolinker™ XL-1000 UV crosslinker from Spectronics Corporation could be the biotech researcher's most versatile instrument. Ease of use and unmatched accuracy make the Spectrolinker ideal for many applications including: elimination of PCR contamination, crosslinking of DNA and RNA, nicking ethidium-bromide-stained DNA, gene mapping, RecA mutation screening and testing, UV sterilization, UV-induced polymerization, UV intensity monitoring and many other UV-dosage applications.
Researchers appreciate the XL-1000's "smart" microprocessor controller and unique, true UV-monitoring circuitry, which allows users to obtain error-free results faster, safer and more accurately than previously possible. The Spectrolinker ensures reliable crosslinking in record time by covalently binding nucleic acids to membranes in less than 30 seconds!
The UV-monitoring circuitry guarantees that the set dosage is always delivered, protecting important test results from washout damage. The Spectrolinker greatly increases the visibility of samples on autoradiograms, which results in superior analysis and extra-sharp, extremely clear, publication-quality photodocumentation.
The XL-1000 has four operation modes, built-in "help" messages and an auto-repeat function. It is equipped with five 8-watt 254nm tubes (312nm and 365nm tubes are also available). Full-range display resolution is accurate to ± 5 µW/cm². The XL-1000 has EMI/RFI protection.