Berthold Technologies introduces the second generation of its Multimode Microplate Reader Mithras, the Mithras2 LB943 with monochromator and filter technology for these reading technologies
- UV/VIS Absorbance
- Fluorescence and FRET
- Fluorescence Polarisation
- Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF and TR-FRET)
- Luminescence
- BRET and BRET²
- AlphaScreen® and AlphaLISA®
Already implemented in the TriStar² the patent-pending optical concept ONE-4-ALL is employed for sensitive luminescence, fluorescence and absorbance measurements – with performances as in dedicated instruments – in the Mithras² for filter-based reading. Additionally the instrument is equipped with two double monochromators with high blocking efficiency and high f-number (increased transmission) for filter-less measurements of absorbance and fluorescence.
For utmost sensitivity in luminescence a third specially selected and extremely noise-reduced detector is engaged in the HiSens position which is used for Alpha and BRET readings, too.
Compared to its predecessor the optics has been improved once again to achieve improved detection limits
- Less than 2 amol ATP per well
- Less than 0.2 fmol Fluorescein per well
- Less than 2 amol Europium per well
Mithras² offers the possibility to use optical filters for luminescence measurements (of course, for all fluorescence and absorbance readings, too) enabling the sensitive measurement of BRET (e.g. functional assays in GPCR research) and multi-coloured luciferases (reporter gene assays). Each individual filter is coded with an RFID tag and can be positively identified – a significant contribution to correct measurements and to secure quality standards.
Up to 4 reagent injectors with the proven and highly accurate JET technology complete the unit. The injector tips are located in reading position enabling the accurate measurement of very fast reactions. A new feature is the reagent compartment at the front which keeps the reagents within easy reach and which can be filled with ice to keep them cooled. Reagent mounts hold small reagent containers safely in place and a slight inclination of the mount ensures tubings recover the last droplet.
Cellular assays are taken account of by a universal bottom reading function, a temperature control unit with an incubation compartment for the microplate and gas connectors.
Thus, the Mithras2 is a microplate reader offering comprehensive possibilities and a multitude of applications. The measurement of enzyme activities, phagocytosis, calcium flux, cell viability, apoptosis, immunoassays protein and nucleic acid concentrations and protein-protein interactions are only a few of the manifold fields of application the instrument offers.
The unit is operated with the approved Mikrowin software. Single and multiple endpoint measurements can be performed as well as kinetic and scanning measurements. The data can be displayed numerically and graphically and may be exported to EXCEL or printed.