Those working in labs may be familiar with the issue of starting a cell line or thawing a stock tube only for it to become contaminated days later. Lab professionals spend hours countless cleaning their incubators after a contamination incident. Lost time and experiments due to contamination are exasperating. Contamination issues aren’t just frustrating, they are costly.
Lost hours spent cleaning lab incubators, changing pipette filters, and autoclaving shelves after each contamination can add up. The cost is estimated to be around $100 and takes upwards of 4 hours.
Another expense, is having to dispose of media, numerous flasks, and even cell stocks after contamination. This can cost $500 or more and often results in days of productivity loss.
Consider the cost of lost experiments when contamination creeps up in the midst of analysis and/or treatment of your cultured cells.
This cost adds up quickly. See the chart below.
**Costs may vary, this is a conservative estimate.
MIDSCI is the North American dealer for all TTP tissue products, with innovative designs that help to overcome the frustration of contamination. The TTP products help to avoid the loss of productivity as well as saving important research dollars.
TPP tissue culture products help to decrease contamination. Some of the product features include:
- Ridged gripping surface on base for ease of handling (no dropped or mishandled plates or dishes)
- Interlocking design for easy transport
- Vented stacking feet for even temperature distribution and air flow
- Flasks have an audible click on vented caps to ensure proper ventilation and secure cap
- Flasks have no dead space (the perfect breeding ground for contamination).
- A treated bottom surface aids in cell growth and decreases contamination.
Elise Ambrose, Ph.D. MIDSCI notes “Laboratory Professionals will be impressed with the innovative design, the quality and the economy of using TTP Tissue Culture products.”