UV-Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer Applications Training

JASCO Analytical Instruments is offering a 1 day training course on UV-Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer Applications.  

This intensive 1-day training course will introduce UV-Vis and UV-Vis/NIR spectroscopy, outline common sample handling methods and provide guidance on the JASCO Spectra Manager software for instrument control and data analysis functions. This course is designed for all levels of UV-Vis/NIR instrument users.

Theory of UV-Vis Spectroscopy:
•  The JASCO V-500/V-600 series instruments – use and maintenance
•  Sampling applications of UV-Vis/NIR spectroscopy

Overview of Spectra Manager Software:
•  Instrument control: Spectra Measurement, Time Course, Fixed Wavelength, Abs/%T Monitor, Quantitative Analysis
•  Spectra Analysis: spectra view features, processing commands and data output

Hands-on Exercises:
•  A simple UV-Vis spectrum
•  Optimization of UV-Vis data collection
•  Liquid and Solid sample accessories, Peltier sample accessories

October 28, 2013
Email sales@jascoinc.com
or call (800)333-5272 for rates.