VICI Metronics’ Dynacalibrator® Model 150 is a constant temperature system designed to generate precise ppm or ppb concentrations of chemical compounds in a gas stream, using permeation devices as the trace gas source. It is used as a reference for the calibration of gas chromatography instruments and in other instruments that measure gas concentrations.
This light-weight unit is a compact calibrator capable of delivering the precise concentrations required. A passivated Inertium® coated stainless steel permeation chamber houses the permeation device(s), with measured inert carrier gas sweeping the calibration gas/vapor from the chamber. The digital temperature controller maintains the chamber temperature at a set point with an accuracy of ±0.01°C, traceable to NIST standards. The wide range of temperature settings (5°C above ambient to 110°C) means the end user can generate a wide range of volumetric concentrations for both low and high vapor pressure chemical compounds, establishing or changing the desired volumetric concentration by simply varying the carrier flow. Reduced flow path volume permits low concentration generation of mercury, water and other difficult to work with materials.
Multicomponent mixtures can be easily generated with a Dynacalibrator and the appropriate combination of permeation devices. This technique also allows the removal of a single component from a gas mixture by simply removing the appropriate permeation device. Users have a choice of plumbing and flow configurations. This unit also permits remote control via RS 232 cable.
VICI Metronics will be exhibiting their Dynacalibrator Model 150 at Pittcon 2014 -- BOOTH # 3216.