L.J. Star Announces Bubble Trap Designed for Chromatography

L.J. Star Inc. announces a sanitary-service bubble trap specifically designed for chromatography applications. The bubble trap is the designed to be crevice-free and self-draining, efficiently removing unwanted gas or air bubbles in process fluids without providing areas where harmful bacteria could accumulate.

Separation science often involves removing unwanted gases created as a byproduct of catalyzation. Chromatography skid suppliers can be assured of cost-effective gas removal and that the trap will remain sterile with less need for SIP/CIP cleaning. In addition, the traps’ hygienic design reduces the risk of bacterial contamination, which can lead to costly scrapping of a batch.

L.J. Star chromatography bubble traps are available in sizes ranging from four to ten inches and in custom designs. Models sized 3-6 inches have been redesigned so that the outer glass is sealed against the bottom head to eliminate fluid entrapment from hose down. Unlike some suppliers, L.J. Star supplies bubble trap units that are customized to meet end-application requirements and supported with engineering expertise and documentation.

The trap has features required for chromotagraphy applications:

  • Simple, fast disassembly and reassembly
  • ASME BPE compliant
  • Full traceability on all wetted components
  • Self-draining and crevice free; no exposed threads
  • Gaskets meet USP Class VI, are FDA compliant and are fully traceable
  • Hygienic sealing O-rings
  • When EPDM seals are indicated, the design uses a molded gasket rather than an O-ring, providing improved cleanability
  • 15Ra surface finish with electropolish