PANalytical’s Epsilon 3X benchtop spectrometers outperform light-element analysis

PANalytical presented their upgraded Epsilon 3X benchtop X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers to the public at this year’s AXAA conference (9-13 February, Perth, Australia). Built upon the experience and success of the first generation Epsilon 3 spectrometers the new Epsilon 3X instruments are powered by the latest advances in excitation and detection technology. They have been designed for reliable and simple operation and deliver outstanding analytical performance right across the periodic table.

Epsilon 3X is equipped with 50 kV excitation and the latest high-resolution silicon drift detector enabling analysis of elements from sodium up to americium. Whereas, the Epsilon 3XLE is configured with the even more powerful SDDUltra silicon drift detector that makes analysis of ultra-light elements like carbon, nitrogen and oxygen possible. As inherent to XRF analysis elements can be present in concentrations ranging from ppm to 100 %, with little or no sample preparation required.

Advanced spectrum processing and state-of-the-art algorithms provide highly accurate and precise, fully traceable data. A variety of software options for standardless analysis, fingerprinting, regulatory compliance or multi-layer analysis is available. And last but not least customers can profit from PANalytical’s support and expertise via our service network worldwide.

Simon Milner, product marketing manager X-ray spectrometry, comments: “Smart combination of the latest excitation and detection technologies of the new Epsilon 3X benchtop spectrometers provide ultimate light-element performance, matching – and sometimes even surpassing - the analytical performance of larger, more powerful spectrometers. These cost-effective and highly flexible analytical tools are suitable for applications in a wide range of industries such as cement production, mineral beneficiation or polymer production”.