Clinical Researchers Can Now Easily Transform Raw NGS Data into Insightful Analyses
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) introduced SureCall version 2.0 software, expanding the capabilities of the company’s current market-leading, next-generation sequencing target-enrichment solutions. The newly upgraded software features compatibility with SureSelect custom target-enrichment and Human All Exon panels.
One of the biggest challenges faced by clinical research labs when adopting next-generation sequencing methods is ensuring highly accurate analysis of complex data samples and identifying biologically significant variants. SureCall software enables clinical researchers to transform raw NGS data into insightful analyses without requiring advanced bioinformatics training or laboratory infrastructure.
“In NGS clinical cancer research, analysis is the key,” said Dr. Robert Ohgami, of Stanford University School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology. “We rely heavily on SureCall to analyze sequencing data in our hematologic myeloid neoplasms studies. It enables rapid alignment and base calling for reporting significant mutations, and data output is in a simple tabular format.”
“Demand for clinical research labs to adopt next-generation sequencing technologies is at an all-time high,” said Victor Fung, senior director of marketing for Agilent’s Genomics Solutions Division. “But fast, efficient data analysis is a potential roadblock for both in-house bioinformatics teams and for those outsourcing data analysis. SureCall can help by reducing both set-up time and external bioinformatics spend.”
SureCall software is ideally suited for clinical research labs that are not accustomed to performing complex, in-house bioinformatics analyses. The platform enables users to easily analyze data with their own desktop computers and also accommodates various security access levels.
SureCall 2.0 features enhanced exome analysis for both SureSelect and HaloPlex. With customizable algorithms in the software, users can easily identify copy number changes and somatic mutations in tumors when comparing them to normal sample analyses and de-novo mutations with trio analysis.
SureCall v2.0 is available online and free-of-charge to HaloPlex and SureSelect users. The application can be downloaded by visiting: SureCall software.