AMSBIO announces ClioCell™ - an ex-vivo device for removal of dying and dead cells, improving viability and quality of cell populations and their subsequent productivity.
The system comprises super-paramagnetic nanoparticles which have been coupled with proprietary elements that bind to dead and dying cells and cell debris. The resultant product selectively initiates dead-cell removal, emulating dead-cell clearance mechanisms which operate in-vivo to keep tissues functioning optimally. This technology is step-changing, providing new opportunities to optimise cell growth, culture and storage.
ClioCell™ has a broad array of uses, spanning a number of diverse academic and industrial applications. The ability to selectively remove inhibitory or toxic dead cells using a simple and rapid procedure results in radically improved cell populations; specifically, with regard to viability antibody/protein yield and consequent functional efficacy. ClioCell™ has been evaluated byseveral leading independent commercial and academic research institutions working on cell culture projects. It has been successfully tested on many cell types, both human and mammalian. Cliocell™ can be manufactured to cGMP grade and our team has experience of many cell types, pre and post thaw applications and "Big Pharma" project work.