Building on the success and principles of SMART Automation, Sakura Finetek proudly introduces the next step in Total Laboratory Automation: Tissue-Tek® AutoSection® Automated Microtome, advancing histopathology laboratories and improving patient care.
The first of its kind, this fully-automated and programmable microtome aligns and trims blocks with optimal precision, section after section. AutoAlign™, the core technology behind AutoSection®, precisely orients blocks and dramatically reduces the risk of losing tissue; revolutionary for re-cuts. In addition, with AutoTrim™ technology, blocks are ready for sectioning in seconds. Another major benefit of automation and stress free microtomy is the reduction of repetitive motion and the increase of staff satisfaction.
AutoSection® sets the standard ensuring:
- Consistent high-quality sectioning
- Preservation of valuable tissue
- Improved productivity
- Minimal repetitive motions