PCRmax, a Bibby Scientific company, has launched the Eco 48 real time PCR system. This high specification, economically priced real time thermal cycler provides users with premium quality alongside unprecedented speed. The optimised instrument is capable of running 40 cycles in 15 minutes while still using standard chemistries and plastics. In a typical run, the instrument can still complete 40 cycles in 40 minutes compared to 2 hours with competitive systems.
In addition to this exceptional efficiency, the Eco 48 has the most uniform block of any thermal cycler (±0.1?C recorded at 95 ?C with no settle time). This is thanks to the patented silver and gold hollow thermal block filled with a thermally conductive fluid, which ensures the same measurement is delivered for every well during every run in every instrument. Furthermore, ALC (adaptive LED control) means there is no uncertainty over whether unknowns maximize the wide dynamic range, are bleaching through light to neighbouring wells or have saturated the detector, which can plague other systems. The Eco 48 is capable of identifying Class IV SNPs in more than 99.9% of cases.
In order to make adoption of the instrument as simple as possible, the free and open licence Eco 48 software provides cutting edge and powerful instrument control, data collection, and data analysis. Stephen Bustin, Professor of Allied Health and Medicine at Anglia Ruskin University and world renowned expert in real-time PCR, said, “I have used the Eco system for a year and it is very good (and) fast.” (Twitter, 25 Oct 2013)