Promega PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System Improves Mixture Interpretation with Difficult Forensic Casework Samples

Promega Corporation announces the release of the PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, a 6-color, 27-locus multiplex. The system combines common and informative loci to overcome typical challenges faced by laboratories, including sample inhibitors, low levels of input DNA, degradation, and mixtures.

PowerPlex Fusion 6C includes the 23 loci in the expanded CODIS core loci panel (including SE33), as well as Penta D and Penta E for greater discriminatory power than seen in other available STR systems. Two rapidly-mutating Y-STR loci, DYS570 and DYS576, are included in the multiplex for improved mixture interpretation. Rapid-cycling protocols of approximately one hour allow laboratories to focus on more value-added activities.

Users can consistently generate complete DNA profiles from as little as 200pg of input DNA and usable, partial profiles from input amounts as low as 50pg. PowerPlex Fusion 6C works with difficult casework samples, including inhibitor-laden samples, degraded DNA and mixtures. Optimized protocols are provided for reference, database and paternity testing for a variety of sample types, including FTA® card punches, non-FTA punches and swabs.

The system is designed and QC-tested to allow direct amplification at full- or half-volume (12.5µl) reactions with various recommended protocol modifications, depending on sample type. This provides significant cost savings per reaction.

The PowerPlex Fusion 6C System is configured so that both casework and databasing sections of a laboratory purchase the same kit, simplifying validation and QC efforts.

A poster detailing results from in-house studies on sensitivity, inhibitor tolerance and mixtures will be presented at the 67th Annual American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting in Orlando, Florida, in February.

Developmental validation efforts are already under way. Promega is seeking United States NDIS approval for the PowerPlex Fusion 6C System.