Berthold Technologies introduces Biametrics GmbH as a New Co-operation Partner

Berthold Technologies proudly announces the recently established co-operation with their new partner Biametrics GmbH. A spin-off of Tübingen University, Biametrics develops novel solutions for label-free analysis of bio-interactions. The 1l-Reflectometric Interference Detection (1l-RIDe) is the missing link between conventional µArray approaches and currently available label-free techniques. The innovative Biametrics 1l-RIDe-technology enables label-free high-throughput analysis of complete binding kinetics in a single measurement. With that, Berthold expands its product portfolio of bioanalytical instruments into the growing market of label-free technologies and can thus offer new approaches for applications in biotechnology, pharmaceutical drug discovery, in the area of product and quality control, as well as in consumer safety. Instrument manufacturing is accomplished in compliance with the high quality standards at Berthold’s production site in Bad Wildbad, Germany. The instruments can be ordered as of now via the Berthold sales organisations. In addition, with Biametrics as a strong partner, Berthold is able to offer comprehensive support during assay development to their customers. Having broad experience in the development of heterogenic interaction assays for more than 20 years, Biametrics offers customized solutions perfectly matching the users´ individual applications.