Worthington announced today the introduction of several new grades of Collagenase, recombinant Nucleases DNase I and RNases A, T1 & T2 and Neutral Protease (Dispase®). All certified Animal/Xeno-Free (AF) to minimize potential BSE/TSE (prion) and mammalian virus contamination risks associated with bovine and other animal-sourced enzymes for primary and stem cell isolation, bioprocessing and other biopharm related applications.
“The use of animal free enzymes eliminates many of the quality and regulatory issues and concerns associated with enzymes commonly purified from animal sources,” said Jim Zacka, vice president at Worthington Biochemical. “The demand for safer enzymes and biopharmaceuticals has led Worthington to develop an array of Animal Free (AF) enzymes for biomedical research and related bioprocessing applications.”
These new animal/xeno-free plant and fungal sourced proteases products are now available in both research and bulk scale quantities. Worthington provides free evaluation samples for qualified customers requiring “contamination-free” enzymes for their critical biomedical applications.
“Biomedical researchers interested in the isolation of stem cells, tissue transplantation, artificial organ development and vaccine production will benefit from AF enzymes since there is minimal risk of potential BSE/TSE and/or mammalian viral contaminants,” said David Skrincosky, Ph.D., technical director at Worthington Biochemical. “All of our Animal/Xeno-Free enzymes meet the required industry documentation from raw material sources through final product release. As well, all enzymes are produced under GMP guidelines in Worthington's ISO 9001 Certified facility located in the Lakewood, NJ.”