An advanced 3-day GdRi workshop on materials for energy and the environment, organized by
Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, theJoint CNRS-MIT laboratory 2, and the International Research Network M2UN, will take place August 26 – 28, 2015 on the MIT campus in Boston.With a theme of “Multiscale Porosity from Laboratory to Industrial Application,” this workshop is ideal for scientists and engineers who research or develop products and processes involving porous materials
The workshop provides:
- Lectures by international experts about multi-scale porosity, pore mechanics and materials for energy and the environment, including Micromeritics’ very own Jacek Jagiello
- An informal environment that promotes a comfortable and stimulating exchange of knowledge and ideas among participants
Attendees may contribute to the workshop by submitting a ½ page abstract, title, and form of contribution (oral/poster) to Roland Pellenq (pellenq@mit.edu) and Jeff Kenvin (jeff.kenvin@micromeritics.com) by July 10th.
In addition to the workshop itself, manuscripts will be published in a special issue of the ASCE
Journal Nano and Micro Mechanics, which highlights the science and application of nanoscale
and nanostructured materials. The submission deadline for a manuscript in this special issue is
September 15th.
This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the field and gain a better understanding of others’ work as well as your own. The deadline to register for the workshopis
August 17th.
For a complete course outline, scheduled speakers, and registration information visit:
For any question that cannot be answered through the website, please contact Mrs. Donna Hudson (donnaon@mit.edu)