New microscopy technologies, such as light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) or clearing
methods, allow the imaging of large samples at high resolution or high frame rates. Handling,
processing, and analyzing these multi-terabyte data sets has become increasingly difficult for
scientists, e.g. in developmental biology and neuroscience. New tools are needed to overcome
these challenges. Therefore, ZEISS has teamed up with arivis AG to offer complete solutions
from initial image acquisition to final results.
arivis Vision4D is a modular software for handling multidimensional (3D+) images of nearly
unlimited size. Users can easily import images generated with microscope systems such as
ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1, and comfortably stitch and align single images into large comprehensive
image stacks. This enables easy assessment and efficient analysis of, for example, high
resolution brain mapping experiments or long-term observation of developmental processes in
embryos. ZEISS is offering an integrated package worldwide, consisting of arivis Vision4D
software and certified high performance computer hardware.
Moreover, arivis and ZEISS have developed 3Dxl Viewer, an integrated rendering module for the
imaging software ZEISS ZEN (blue edition). It allows the handling of large 6D data sets acquired
on ZEISS LSM 800 with Airyscan.
Current publications reflect how actively the scientific community has been tackling the challenge
of big image data. Two recent review articles authored by Jeff Lichtman, Hanspeter Pfister, Nir
Shavit, and Doug Richardson of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (Lichtman et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2014; Richardson and Lichtman, Cell, 2015)
explain the monumental task currently facing neuroscientists and other biologists attempting to
image large intact tissues at micrometer resolution.
This free webinar introduces the concepts of light sheet microscopy and explains why ZEISS
Lightsheet Z.1 is an excellent tool for developmental biology and neuroscience research: