Metrohm USA is proud to announce the release of Vision Air spectroscopy software for Vis-NIR instruments. Designed for routine analysis measurements, this new software includes an intuitive and self-explaining user interface for fast measurement and straightforward data interpretation. Operation focuses on sample analysis parameters and trends, not spectra, increasing the information density from NIR measurements.
Using an integrated and powerful networking system, Vision Air provides maximum control over all connected instruments worldwide. The software saves time and guarantees reliable measurements across multiple facilities and multiple operators by ensuring configurations and methods are updated simultaneously.
“Customers can now choose from a wide range of software solutions for NIR measurements,” says Edward Colihan, President and CEO of Metrohm USA. “No longer does a company need chemometrics expertise to leverage the power of NIR. Our new Vision Air software allows customers to choose the level of support they need and deploy models using one instrument locally or hundreds of instruments globally.”
Single instrument configurations also benefit from networking functionalities, including data integrity and support. The Vision Air software allows the user to develop the analysis model or use a model developed by and stored on a Metrohm server.