New analytical consultancy offers unique combination of instrumentation, methodology and expertise to GC laboratories

A new consultancy has been established to assist analytical chemists with complex or demanding applications using gas chromatography (GC).

SepSolve Analytical Ltd (Peterborough, UK), a company of the Schauenburg International Group (Mülheim-Ruhr, Germany), provides a unique combination of expert advice, equipment from numerous suppliers, and applications support to the global analytical chemistry sector for the characterisation of complex mixtures by GC-based technologies.

Drawing on the experience of its own staff and key knowledge partners within industry and academia, SepSolve consults with customers across the world to deliver fully-tested, customised packages of analytical instrumentation, accessories and methodology to help solve current and emerging analytical problems.

Bob Green, Lead Consultant at SepSolve Analytical, said: “Due to our relationships with key knowledge partners and with leading instrument suppliers such as EST Analytical, GL Sciences and Markes International, we’re in an excellent position to tackle the most difficult challenges in analytical science, from environmental monitoring to food aroma analysis. We are able to offer our customers the very best in instrumentation, including market-leading equipment for automating sample preparation, versatile multi-mode GC inlets, flow modulated GC×GC, an unbeatable range of thermal desorption systems, and the latest mass spectrometers with capability for soft ionisation”.

Green added: “We have already discussed several of our successes on our website for analysis of essential oils, hop oils and tobacco smoke. We intend to expand this portfolio of case-studies further as our customer base grows”.