CRAIC Technologies Offers Superior Glass Refractive Index Measurements
Whether your lab is in need of a complete, easy-to-use system or you need to upgrade your current system, CRAIC Technologies’ rIQ™ is the perfect low cost option for you. The rIQ™ pairs top of the line hardware with unbeatable software options and stage control to give the most user friendly and stable glass analysis experience available.
CRAIC Technologies, a world leading innovator of microanalysis solutions, now offers an upgraded refractive index measurement system . Users of our rIQ™ have the ability to acquire high contrast glass images and refractive index values with high precision and repeatability due to top of the line stage control and software. Current and future forensic scientistswill also be happy to hear that we offer a cost effective glass refractive index measurement upgrade package. Now, users can have the benefit of our superior stage control and software solutions without having to replace their current microscope or hot stage. The rIQ™ upgrade package includes a brand new controller, imaging, and software with the same advanced instrument control.
“CRAIC Technologies expertise in optics combined with our sophisticated glass refractive index software is advancing the state-of-the-art.  rIQ™ is the result and promises to take the technique of forensic refractive index determination to the next level" states Dr. Paul Martin, President of CRAIC Technologies. “Glass fragments are common at crimes scenes.  rIQ™ enables the forensic scientist to measure and compare the refractive index of the smallest fragments of glass with an incredibly high degree of accuracy.  When combined with CRAIC Technologies UV-visible and Raman microspectrometers, the spectral characteristics of glass evidence can be determined quickly and accurately, all with the same instrument."
rIQ™ is an automated system that uses the thermal immersion method, as defined by the standard ASTM E1967, to measure the refractive index of microscopic glass fragments. This system, which incorporates many years of experience with the analysis of glass, allows the user to analyze the refractive index of multiple glass fragments simultaneously and with sophisticated analytical techniques. Only the rIQ™ offers up to 20 resizable measurement probes and video recording of the measurement process, with the ability to reanalyze the previously recorded measurement process in seconds. Our customers have pointed out that the video recording feature is particularly beneficial as it saves them an incredible amount of time to be able to replace and resize the probes and reanalyze fragments without having to run through the often lengthy heating and cooling process each time. Statistical analysis methods can be easily applied to the data and the instrument is designed to be user friendly with a short learning curve. For more information about the rIQ™ microspectrophotometer visit