The Focus of this Annual International Event is on the Latest Advances in Applied Raman Spectroscopy
HORIBA Scientific, the global leader in Raman spectroscopy systems, is proud to announce that they are again sponsoring RamanFest, which this year will be at Purdue University, in West Lafayette Indiana, on Thursday, June 1st, and Friday, June 2nd.
The RamanFest conference covers the current state of advanced applied Raman spectroscopy through presentations and discussions from today's leaders in this field, from both academia and industry. RamanFest is great event for collaboration and networking. Our keynote lectures will be presented by internationally renowned scientists. There will also be accompanying poster sessions, throughout the day, to encourage discussion on the latest capabilities of Raman spectroscopy.
Professor Ji-Xin Cheng of Purdue University and Dr. Andrew Whitley of HORIBA Scientific will co-chair the event. Other Raman leaders contributing to this event include many highly regarded luminaries in the field, including:
• Prof. Dor Ben-Amotz, Purdue University, USA
• Prof. Yong Chen, Purdue University, USA
• Prof. Volker Deckert, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Germany
• Prof. Katsumasa Fujita, Osaka University, Japan
• Prof. Michael George, University of Nottingham, UK
• Prof. Wei Huang, University of Oxford, UK
• Dr. Ravi Kalyanaraman, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA
• Prof. Igor K. Lednev, University at Albany, SUNY, USA
• Dr. Brian Marquardt, MarqMetrix, Inc. USA
• Prof. Wei Min, Columbia University, USA
• Prof. Juergen Popp, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Germany
• Prof. Eric Olaf Potma, University of California, Irvine, USA
• Prof. Bin Ren , Xiamen University, China
• Prof. Marlan Scully, Texas A&M University, USA
• Prof. Richard P. Van Duyne, Northwestern University, USA
• Prof. Lawrence D. Ziegler, Boston University, USA
The broad range of topics will include discussions, not only on general topics such as past, present and future Raman Spectroscopy developments and applications, but also topics on the forefront of Raman, such as:
• Latest Advances in Coherent Raman Microscopy
• Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene-based Materials
• Hyperspectral Raman Imaging using Optimized Binary Compressive Detection TERS
• Rapid Disease Diagnostics: Probing Metabolomics by SERS
• TERS for solid/liquid interface and 2D materials
• Visualizing cellular metabolism by Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (SRS) imaging of vibrationaltags
• Clinical Raman Spectroscopy - Precise Diagnostics for Targeted Therapy!
“Raman spectroscopy and microscopy are increasingly used in materials and biomedical research,” said Ji-Xin Cheng, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Professor of Chemistry at Purdue. “Being able to present this technique as a partner with HORIBA Scientific for the upcoming RamanFest is very exciting.”
“We are thrilled to be hosting 2017’s RamanFest with Purdue University,” said Andrew Whitley, VP of Sales and Business Development at HORIBA Scientific. “RamanFest offers attendees the opportunity to discuss cutting edge Raman techniques and capabilities, including life science applications, imaging and TERS.”