Hosokawa Mikro Air Jet Sieve model MAJSx is one of the world’s leading powder analysis instruments, offering a simple, accurate, repeatable analysis. The MAJSx is easy to operate with on-screen instructions to assist users with frequent, fast testing. This “Hands-On” course is highly recommended to individuals who desire to achieve maximum performance of their Air Jet Sieve.
On Tuesday, April 4th, Hosokawa Micron Powder Systems will be hosting an Air Jet Sieve workshop for a hands on training experience at their Summit, New Jersey headquarters. The workshop will focus on:
- Principles & History of Particle Size Analysis
- Benefits of Air Jet Sieving compared to other analyzers
- Features of MAJSx Models, System Setup & Maintenance
- Equipment Demonstration & Instruction
- Hands-on Training with Hosokawa’s experts
Click here to learn more or register
Check-in opens at 9:00 AM with breakfast and the course begins at 9:30 AM. Participants will work side-by-side with one of Hosokawa’s highly skilled Laboratory Equipment Specialists, in determining particle size and evaluating samples. The course includes a catered lunch and concludes at 3:00 PM. Registration for this event is required and seating is strictly limited.