Atlas Material Testing Technology, the global leader in weathering technology and services, is pleased to announce the opening of a new accelerated laboratory at its German headquarters in Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau near Frankfurt.
Ci4000 Weather-Ometer, Suntest XXL+, UVTest, EMMAQUA "We have combined our Leicester, UK and Duisburg, Germany labs into the largest Atlas laboratory in the world. This new testing lab was built to serve not only all of Europe, but our clients from Asia as well," said Richard Slomko, Director of Atlas' Weathering Services Group. The laboratory is equipped with over 40 Atlas weathering instruments including Ci5000, Ci4000, and Ci3000 Weather-Ometers, SUNTEST® XXL+, XLS+ and CPS+, Xenotest® Beta+ and Alpha+ instruments, UVTest® and Solar Climatic 1000 and 340 instruments. This lab also has a fully operational evaluations laboratory that offers instrumental color, gloss and visual evaluations performed by highly experienced Atlas technicians.
"Combining our laboratory operations within Europe will allow us to further streamline the Atlas testing experience for our customers and provide them with increased laboratory offerings in the future," Slomko noted.
To celebrate the grand opening of its new accelerated laboratory, Atlas will be hosting an invitation only reception on Tuesday, April 11.