Optimize your processes and comply with stringent international regulations by fast and accurate elemental analysis. Suitable for any industry, Epsilon 4 is the next step in energy dispersive XRF.
Combining the latest advances in excitation and detection technology with mature software and a smart design, the analytical performance of the new benchtop instrument approaches the one of more powerful and floor-standing spectrometers.
Product managers Lieven Kempenaers and Michel Zoontjes will demonstrate the new Epsilon 4 during this free webinar. A demonstration shows the ease-of-use, of the instrument, from setting up a measurement, creating dedicated calibrations to analyzing routine samples. Discover what impact the new Epsilon 4 could have on your daily operations.
September 19 2018 - September 19 2018
15:30 - 16:30
(GMT+01:00) Europe Central
Event type:
Webinar - Live
Dr. Lieven Kempenaers - Global Product Manager Benchtop XRF Instruments
In 1999 Lieven Kempenaers started his PhD in Chemistry under the direction of Prof. K. Janssens at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) with dedicated focus on the use of X-rays in elemental analysis. In the course of his PhD, Lieven wrote many articles of which one was awarded as "best article of the year 2000".
In 2003 Lieven completed his PhD in Chemistry and used his XRF knowledge and experience as an XRF Application Specialist and later on as Product Manager for PANalytical, the Netherlands. In those 5 years he gained more knowledge and experience in many industry segments and the respective applications.
From 2008 until 2012 he was re-located to the Asia Pacific regional head quarters in Singapore and took on the assignment as Asia Pacific Regional Product Manager XRF.
Once back in the Netherlands, he used his Asia Pacific experience as the global product manager for the benchtop XRF instruments.
Dr. Michel Zoontjes - Product Manager EDXRF
Michel Zoontjes started his PhD in Nanotechnology in 2011 under the direction of Prof. W.G. van der Wiel and Prof. G. Mul at the University of Twente in the Netherland. His subject was visible light water splitting on a chip. In 2015 he received his doctorate degree, after which he started in 2015 as Product Manager XRF at Malvern Panalytical. He is managing the energy dispersive XRF product line.
More information
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in EDXRF , Lab managers, quality control specialists, geologists, material science and analytical chemistry, university staff.
Why attend?
To learn about the benefits of Epsilon XRF benchtops as an elemental analysis technique. Learn how this latest generation technology brings the performance of floor standing systems to the benchtop.
What will you learn?
The latest development in EDXRF ,new applications in reach of benchtops +amp;amp; ease-of-use of Epsilon benchtops.