FarHawk Marketing Services announced today the North American release of IonBench, a new product line of laboratory furniture for mass spectrometry, manufactured by MS Noise of Sens, France. IonBench™ lab furniture products integrate mass spectrometer peripherals, include a built-in vacuum pump enclosure to decrease noise by 75%, and protect turbomolecular pumps by reducing vibration by 99%.

“IonBench is ideal for the efficient mass spectrometry lab, “said Tim Hawkins of FarHawk. “We diminish the space requirement for a system, reduce noise, and shield the turbomolecular pump from vibration. We have a winner.”

“Mass spectrometers have a significant assortment of peripherals,” continued Hawkins. “Many have two vacuum pumps; LC/MS have waste reservoirs; and there is always an assortment of sources, tools, samples, and other bits and pieces that can easily spread and thus clutter a work area. The result is lack of productivity and in some cases, a safety hazard.”

By integrating system peripherals into IonBench there is up to 30% savings in laboratory space allocation. Solidly built lockable casters simplify moving the system in order to get access to the rear of the instrument. The IonBench work surface is wide enough to allow placement of small items such as tools, samples, etc., in front of the mass spectrometer rather than on top or on a side cart. The IonBench cabinet accommodates up to two vacuum pumps under the instrument. The mass spectrometer control computer and flat screen monitor can be attached conveniently and without additional footprint.

Mass spectrometers are noisy. Noisy vacuum pumps can generate up to 60 dbA volume of noise, an uncomfortable and stress inducing work environment. Vacuum pump enclosures, manufactured by MS Noise and distributed in North America by FarHawk Marketing via QuietVacuumPump.com, are growing in popularity. IonBench uses the same quiet vacuum pump enclosure technology to reduce noise emissions by 75%.

One issue that is not addressed by conventional lab furniture for mass spectrometers is the vibration translated by the vacuum pump toward the mass spectrometer. Excessive vibration reduces the performance and lifetime of turbomolecular pumps inside the mass spectrometer, and thus diminishes performance and hastens costly repairs. The IonBench solution is to apply patented coil spring based vibration dampeners that reduce vibration by 99%.

IonBench is distributed on line in North America via its dedicated web site QuietBench.com, one of the sites owned and managed by FarHawk Marketing Services.

About Farhawk Marketing Services
Founded in 1999, Farhawk Marketing Services provides sales and distribution of analytical laboratory products. With close to 70 years combined experience in sales and marketing in instrumentation and high technology, Farhawk offers valuable insights, products, and ideas to the high technology market.

This article was sourced from http://www.prweb.com/releases/FarHawk_Mass_Spec_Product/Mass_Spec_bench/prweb8753869.htm