A unique opportunity to learn from and to interact with key opinion leaders and experts in the fields of biophysical analysis and particle characterization. A not to be missed agenda featuring case study presentations, panel discussions and solution-specific breakout sessions. Explore the key elements of protein stability through rational approaches and concerted use of biophysical technologies.

This event is free to attend.


Measurement type:
Particle size
February 19 2019 - February 19 2019
08:30 - 16:00
(GMT) Greenwich
United Kingdom
MedImmune Site, Sir Aaron Klug Building, Granta Park, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CAM, United Kingdom, CB21 6GH
Event type:


8:30- 9:00 Registration 

9:00-9:10 Welcome address 

9:10-9:45 Keynote presentation. John Carpenter. Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver. Aggregates and particles in therapeutic protein products: Causes, characterization and control

9:45-10:15 Amber Fradkin, Director, Particle Characterization Core Facility, KBI Biopharma. Critical methods for counting and sizing subvisible particles. 

10:15-10:45 Jennifer McManus, Head of Chemistry Department, Maynooth University. The chemical and physical basis for protein self-assembly.

10:45-11:20 Coffee break (Plus Poster Session) 

11:20-11:50 Chris Vessely. Senior Consultant Analytical and Formulation Development, Biologics Consulting. Beyond the release panel in support of comparability studies and regulatory filings.

11:50 -12:20 Panel discussion with speakers 

12:20:13:10 Networking lunch 

13:10-16:00 Breakout sessions. 

13:10-13:40 Protein conformational stability beyond Tm. Led by Natalia Markova, Malvern Panalytical. 

13:40-14:10 Multi-parametric characterization of proteins with multiple-detection SEC. Led by John Stenson. Malvern Panalytical

14:10-14:40 Extended characterization of particles. Led by Amber Fradkin, KBI Biopharma and Debbie Huck-Jones, Malvern Panalytical 

14:40-15:00 Coffee break (Plus Poster Session) 

15:00-15:30 Best practices of counting and sizing subvisible particles with Resonant Mass Measurements. Led by Judy Hadley. Malvern Panalytical 

15:30-16:00 Protein characterization with DLS. Led by Patrick King. Malvern Panalytical


John Carpenter
Amber Fradkin
Chris Vessely
Natalia Markova
Debbie Huck-Jones
Judy Hadley
Patrick King

More information

Who should attend?
The workshops is directed to scientists, lab heads and department managers in industry, CRO/CDMO sector and academia. 

For travel and accommodation recommendations please contact alison.vines@malvernpanalytical.com 

What will you learn?
• protein characterization 
• candidate selection 
• formulation development 
• stability profiling 
• analysis of aggregation content and extended particle characterization 
• biosimilarity and comparability analysis.