Unveiling the Epsilon 4 compact yet powerful ED-XRF spectrometer
Before Covid-19, organising demonstration roadshows is a common initiative for us; bringing our instrument to your city to test with your samples. With safe distancing measures and travel restrictions, we still want to bring our demo party to you but in a virtual form.
This webinar is dedicated to customers who are:
1. Interested in elemental analysis that is not only simpler but also faster. For instance, being able to analyse samples as they are, without needing to handle any acid digestion sample preparation. Or those who are looking to trim their overall sample preparation and analysis time
2. Interested in accurate results that bring you confidence whether you are assessing the purity of your precious metal, grade of your mineral or toxicity of your material.
3. Keen on an elemental spectrometer that is small and portable. This is so you have the option of keeping it next to your mine site or bringing out to the field in the back of your car.
4. And lastly, a device that is safe to use, without any exposure to X-rays. With open-sourced X-ray equipment like Handheld XRFs or XRF guns, users and employers need to take precautions to prevent scattered X-ray from harming you, your employees and surroundings. Malvern Panalytical’s XRF solutions are closed X-ray source spectrometers and only operate with full shielding, guaranteeing safe operation and zero tampering.
During this virtual demo on our compact XRF – the Epsilon 4, our application specialists will demonstrate how easy it is to prepare samples and operate the system and software. The Epsilon 4 is built on the experience and success of the proven Epsilon 3 range of XRF spectrometer. See how you can achieve not only fast, accurate and repeatable results with the Epsilon 4; from fluorine (F) to americium (Am). This is due to its superior hardware; comprising of a 15-Watt X-ray tube, high current (3 mA), latest silicon drift detector SDD30 and compact design of the optical path. Moreover, because the Epsilon 4 is a push button solution, your company requires little or no operator training. Hence you can be reassured of obtaining more accurate and repeatable results.
Interested to learn more? Scroll down to register your interest in our series of industrial webinars
- Date:
- July 22 2020 - July 22 2020
- Time:
14:00 - 15:00
Western Australia Time [Australia] - Event type:
- Webinar - Live
- Language:
- English
What will I learn?
1. Learn how to prepare samples as it is – as loose powders, pressed pellets or borate fused beads
2. Learn how easy the Epsilon 4 is to operate and how it is capable of fast, accurate and repeatable results that you can trust
3. And how it is powerful in analysing a wide range of elements
Hari Bhaskar, Applications Manager for Perth Lab and Manager for Process and Automation Solutions for Malvern Panalytical
Hari holds a Bachelor's degree in Engineering and has been working with the company for the last 20 years in various capacities - Service, Sales, Application and Product Support. Hari is currently based in Perth, Western Australia. He has worked with customers from various segments including cement, mining, metals, pharmaceuticals, academia, oil and petrol chemicals, service labs and more, providing advice on Malvern Panalytical’s fusion sample preparation, XRF, XRD, CNA solutions for their applications. Hari has sound product knowledge and extensive experience in method development for a wide range of application areas. Hari is also the Course Director for various training and application courses such as “XRF at the workplace”, “SuperQ XRF software” and “HighScore XRD software”.
Dale Parsonage, Applications Specialist in Perth Laboratory at Malvern Panalytical
Dale has qualifications in Chemistry and Minerals Science. With expertise in analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis, he provides support to the region on XRF applications and analysis, as well as sample preparation and associated equipment. Prior to joining Malvern Panalytical, he has worked extensively in mining and mineral beneficiation industries. He also has previous experience in research and development with Murdoch University and in the private sector.
Who should attend?
1. Chemists, laboratory managers, researchers and procurement managers
2. People who are interested in making the switch from ICP, AAS or handheld XRF methodologies
3. Or interested in using XRF as a quick screening technique
4. Companies who are interested to know about the performance of the Epsilon 4 and how it can add value or be a back up resource to their floorstanding XRF solutions
How long is this webinar?
40 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.
More information
Join our free series of webinars:
- Precision elemental analysis with synthetic calibration standards for a wide range of oxide materials. More info
- Virtual intro to new Perth application laboratory and how our specialists can support you. More info
- Live demo at your desk: powerful alternative to handheld XRF or ICPMS
- Virtual conference: 22nd Ores and Minerals Analysis - latest industry perspective and trends. More info