In recent years, materials such as ZnO and GaN have become integral towards various thin film applications. For instance, solar energy conversion, piezoelectric nanogeneration (for wearable devices) as a photocatalyst and more. To optimise the performance of the material, whether its properties for storage, electrical conductivity etc, it is critical that researchers gain a deeper understanding of its structural characterisation by way of X-ray diffraction.
We invite you to gain a deeper understanding of thin film materials research during our free workshop. We have specially invited our esteemed application specialist who will be discussing the latest thin film applications as well as latest X-ray diffractometers on hand to support your research. Look forward to practical case studies to aid the interpretation of peak displacement, peak broadening or peak overlap with advanced methodologies RSM or reciprocal space mapping. See how Malvern Panalytical now brings this to the next level with URSM for ultra-fast reciprocal space mapping, where data can now be collected in as little as 30 seconds.
Interested to learn more? Scroll down to register your interest in our series of XRD related webinars.
- Date:
- October 14 2020 - October 14 2020
- Time:
- 14:00 - 15:00
Western Australia Time [Australia] - Event type:
- Webinar - Live
- Language:
- English
What you will gain from this workshop:
1. Deeper understanding of thin film research and applications from layer thickness, residual stress, orientation and more
2. Learn how to characterize thin films using X-ray diffraction (XRD)
3. Stay in the forefront of the latest advanced techniques such as the URSM or ultra-fast reciprocal space mapping
4. Gain insight to the range of intelligent XRD technologies to support your advanced research or routine batch analysis
5. Look forward also to the launch of our new XRD with extended capabilities for thin films research
Dr Sandeep Nagar, X-ray Diffraction, Applications Specialist at Malvern Panalytical
Who should attend:
1. Researchers, laboratory managers, quality control managers
2. Anyone working within semiconductors, electronics, wafer fabrication, battery, solar cells and other thin film applications
3. Academia who are interested in expanded their XRD capabilities
How long is this webinar?
More information
Join our free series of mining webinars:
- Webinar 1: Introduction to powder X-ray diffraction. More info
- Webinar 2: Studying battery cathode materials using X-ray diffraction More info
- Webinar 3: Expand your powder XRD applications for materials characterization research More info
- Webinar 4: Good vs bad XRD patterns: how to improve your phase analysis. More info
- Webinar 5: Better XRD data quality: importance of good sample preparation. More info
- Webinar 6: Improving your phase search mapping by defining your elemental range: introduction to elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence. More info
- Webinar 7: Live demo at your desk - latest high performing XRD Benchtop. More info
- Webinar 8: XRD phase quantification tutorial - improve your XRD data analysis. More info
- Webinar 9: XRD applications in the minerals industry More info
- Webinar 10: XRD data analysis on HighScore Plus version 4.9 - what's new? More info
- Webinar 11: Free XRD applications, live demo and data analysis workshop More info
- Webinar 12: XRD phase quantification tutorial - crystallinity calculation More info
- Webinar 13: New product launch: Empyrean brings new wonder with new 1Der detector, to high end XRD research for challenging samples including hard radiation, thin films, nanomaterials and more. More info
- Webinar 14: XRD phase quantification tutorial - Rietveld refinement More info
- Webinar 15: Live demo of latest XRD detector, 1Der. Great for super sharp monochromatic peaks and for tackling fluorescent samples. More info
- Webinar 16: Optimizing the whiteness & brightness of TiO2 pigments by analysing rutile vs anatase phases among other methods. More info
- Webinar 17: Advance your thin films research for battery, semiconductor, electronics and more
- Webinar 18: Range of XRD instruments to aid materials characterization research. More info