One of the strengths of the XRF technique is its versatility in analyzing a wide variety of sample presentations (bulk solids, lose or pressed powders, small pieces, liquids, etc.). Even when sample preparation is required, it is comparatively simpler than for most other elemental analytical techniques. That is all true, however, knowing how to optimize your sample prep and having the knowledge of a few simple tips will greatly improve the accuracy and precision of the results.
In this webinar we willlook intothe basics of sample preparation for XRF and also focus on a few specific examples for unusual or more complex samples. We will share some tips and tricks that might be useful for many users.
The importance of sample preparation can never be underestimated, as it contributes immensely to the quality of any XRF analysis. If you are an experienced user or just starting with the technique, we are sure that this webinar will be of value, either refreshing some knowledge or bringing some light into your method development.Don’tforget to bring your questions or submit them by emailing or using the #MPexpert hashtag on Twitter. Questions and data can be submitted up to 10 days upfront.
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This webinar is part of our ‘Ask an expert’ webinar series. These live webinars are meant for students, researchers, and professors or anyone with interest who want to sharpen their analytical methods, deepen their knowledge, or find out how to improve their data. We’ll provide extensive materials analysis information and answer your most frequently asked questions. In other words, it’s the ultimate way to improve your materials science research and engineering knowledge.
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