When it comes to analyzing data, it is a general belief that obtaining good results with a Zetasizer is straightforward – and this is not necessarily incorrect. But what steps to take to ensure the data is meaningful? And when there are issues present in the analysis, how to identify the most common? How can I use a correlogram or a phase plot to have confidence in the results? Tune in to this webinar to learn more about those size or zeta potential values you have always been measuring… and don’t forget to bring questions!

Submit them by emailing askanexpert@malvernpanalytical.com or using the #MPexpert hashtag on Twitter. Questions and data can be submitted up to 10 days upfront.

More information

This webinar is part of our ‘Ask an expert’ webinar series. These live webinars are meant for students, researchers, and professors alike who want to sharpen their analytical methods, deepen their knowledge, or find out how to improve their data. We’ll provide extensive materials analysis information and answer your most frequently asked questions. In other words, it’s the ultimate way to improve your materials science research and engineering knowledge.


Measurement type:
Zeta potential
April 08 2021 - April 08 2021
10:30 - 11:30
Eastern Time [US & Canada]
Event type:
Webinar - Live
Zetasizer range
Dynamic Light Scattering
Electrophoretic Light Scattering


Diogo Fernandes Ph.D. - Nanomaterials Characterization Expert

More information

- Who should attend?

  • Students, researchers or professors, interested in improving their materials science research and engineering knowledge with our analytical solutions. No matter if you are an experienced or a novice user - this session is designed to give you the top tips for a better understanding on the techniques of DLS for sizing and ELS for zeta potential analysis.

- What will you learn?

  • Learn the steps to take to ensure the collected data is meaningful
  • Learn how to identify the most common issues
  • Get a deeper insight into those size or zeta potential values you have always been measuring.