Copley Scientific has joined the Industries Forum of the Taskforce for Lung Health. The Taskforce is a collaboration of over 30 members including patients, health care professionals, the voluntary sector and professional associations all working together to represent the needs of people with lung disease. The Taskforce’s Industries Forum is a group of representatives from the pharmaceutical, diagnostics, devices, and digital industries that works alongside the Taskforce to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients living with lung disease in England. Company experts will join regular meetings of the Industries Forum to share relevant industry views, intelligence, and experience. As the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of inhaler test equipment, Copley brings unique perspective on the safety and quality issues associated with inhaler testing and use.
The Taskforce has established a five-year plan to improve all aspects of lung disease management from the preservation of good lung health, through to earlier, more effective disease diagnosis, and end of life care. Working groups focusing on Early Diagnosis, Medicines Optimization, and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, help to implement the associated recommendations of the five-year plan. These groups draw on a wide range of expertise from the Taskforce and the Industries Forum to ensure optimal solutions to some of the most demanding challenges associated with lung health.
Copley, a family-owned UK company currently celebrating 75 years in business, develops and manufactures equipment for in vitro inhaler testing that is used to optimize the safety and efficacy of drugs for conditions such as asthma, COPD, and cystic fibrosis. Developing solutions that make in vitro testing more clinically representative is currently an important task, and a good example of the insight that Copley has to offer. Such solutions help researchers to efficiently build an increasingly accurate and detailed understanding of how to improve inhaled drug delivery and how patient physiology and technique impact its success. This knowledge informs better device design for specific patient groups and a more robust assessment of the potential for inadequate drug delivery, where technique is compromised.
“We’re looking forward to investing in the very worthwhile work of the Taskforce for Lung Health,” said Mr Mark Copley, CEO, Copley Scientific. “Lung health is currently at the forefront of people’s minds, and I hope we can help to make real progress in patient outcomes. Copley occupies a distinctive position within the inhaled product research community, and we’re pleased to be able to contribute our insight and expertise to more directly support lung disease sufferers across England.”