Lab Moisture Analyzer with Graphic Display; Four Drying Profiles

Moisture analysis is quick, easy and accurate using the versatile Kern MLB 50-3N moisture analyzer now available from Tovatech. With a readout of 0.001 g or 0.01% moisture and connected to an optional companion printer the MLB 50-3N moisture balance supports GLP/ISO record keeping data consisting of time, date and sample identification number, says Tovatech Director Dr. Robert Sandor.

moisture analyzer

The MLB 50-3N moisture analyzer from Tovatech

"The large liquid crystal display panel shows at a glance the moisture analysis process and progress," Dr. Sandor says. Data include:

  1. Moisture content as a percent
  2. Current temperature
  3. Active drying process
  4. Previous sample drying time
  5. The switch-off mode by time or constant weight

Moisture content is determined as a percent of weight loss from the starting weight and displayed from 0 to 100 percent. Dry mass is displayed from 100 percent to 0 percent as residual weight from the starting weight.

Utilizing a 400-watt halogen heater the MLB 50-3N moisture analyzer has a temperature range of 50°C to 160°C, a maximum weighing capability of 50 g, reproducibility of 0.003 g and linearity of ±0.003 g. Technicians can select four heating profiles – standard, soft, fast and step – based on the properties of the material being tested.

"To aid in maintaining accuracy an optional external calibration weight and temperature calibration set are available complete with instructions," Dr. Sandor says. "When the unit is tared to account for the weight of the sample pan the recommended 50 g weight is placed on the pan. Should there be a discrepancy the MLB 50-3N will automatically correct itself. Temperature calibration tests are conducted at two points. Any discrepancies must be corrected by following the instructions."