Have You 'Benched' Your Favorite Communities Yet?

The new Communities on LabWrench have been running for a couple of months now and so far we have noticed some great numbers in relation to newly benched communities. Total new communities joined since the launch in January is 576 so it’s great to see so many LabWrench users utilizing this fantastic service!

If you are a new LabWrench user or are yet to take advantage of the My Bench Communities, this service provides the option to "bench" products, categories, and even manufacturers to receive all the latest news, articles, updates, and discussion activity. Please see my previous launch blog explaining all the exciting new features and benefits.   

We are also interested to hear any feedback you have regarding the new My Bench Communities, so please feel free to comment below or send an email directly to feedback@labwrench.com. Ultimately it is you, our LabWrench users whose opinion we value the most.

Click here to register for LabWrench and get started on building your My Bench Communities today!

Have a great week,

Zoe Gillan
Product Research Coordinator
LabX Media Group