Cell Counters
DeNovix Inc. - CellDrop" Automated Cell Counters
Manufactured by DeNovix Inc.
Count Cells Without Slides
Beckman Coulter - Z1
Manufactured by Beckman Coulter
Beckman Coulter Z1 Dual Cell and Particle Counter
Hospitex Diagnostics - Hema Screen 18
Manufactured by Hospitex Diagnostics
The fully automatic cell counter for your lab
Chemometec - NucleoCounter® NC-3000™
Manufactured by Chemometec
Revolutionary instrument for advanced cell analyses
Chemometec - NucleoCounter® NC-100™
Manufactured by Chemometec
For total counting of mammalian cells and viability
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - TC20 Automated Cell Counter
Manufactured by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
The TC20 automated cell counter counts mammalian cells in one simple step using its innovative auto-focus technology and sophisticated cell counting
Reichert Technologies - Darkfield Quebec Colony Counter
Manufactured by Reichert Technologies
Darkfield Colony Counter
Invitrogen - Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter
Manufactured by Invitrogen
The Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop cell assay platform equipped with state-of-the-art optics and image analysis software.