Other MS
Thermo Scientific - MAT 253™ Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
Manufactured by Thermo Scientific
Get the highest sensitivity and precision for the determination of isotope ratios with the Thermo Scientific™ MAT...
Thermo Scientific - Triton Plus™ Multicollector Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer
Manufactured by Thermo Scientific
Get high-precision isotope ratio measurements of your precious samples with the Thermo Scientific™ Triton...
Peak Scientific - MS TABLE 1N
Manufactured by Peak Scientific
The MS table has been designed as a Sciex exclusive product to house the Triple Quad™, QTRAP™ or IVD MS...
OI Analytical - IonCamTM Transportable Mass Spectrometer
Manufactured by OI Analytical
The IonCam's speed and high duty cycle enables fast analyses, increases sample throughput, and allows monitoring ...
Bruker Optics - TargetScreener HR
Manufactured by Bruker Optics
The comprehensive screening solution for complex samples
Thermo Scientific - Q Exactive™ BioPharma Platform
Manufactured by Thermo Scientific
Realize complete BioPharma characterization with the The Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ BioPharma pl...
Hitachi - Thermal Desorption MS (Screening Device for Phthalates) HM1000
Manufactured by Hitachi
In July 2019, an amendment to the RoHS directive will add 4 phthalates to the list of restricted substances. These 4...
ASD Inc - TerraSpec 4 Hi-Res Mineral Spectrometer
Manufactured by ASD Inc
Recognized as the de facto technology for mineralogical analysis, the rugged portable TerraSpec mineral spectrometers...