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65 Results

Buck Scientific - HTA-3100 Liquid GC Autosampler (15 samples)

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

Easy to Use>  Just load your samples and run the analysis with no extra down time. HTA is the ...

Buck Scientific - HT300A Liquid Autosampler

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

The HT300A Liquid Autosampler is made to meet the high throughput liquid injection needs of your GC analysis. Like the...

Buck Scientific - HT2800 All-in-One GC Autosampler

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

Easy to use>  For routine analyses, the HT2800 features one-touch operation. After loading the...

Buck Scientific - Heated Static Headspace Injector

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

The Heated Static Headspace injector is useful for the analysis of volatiles, especially where the sample matrix is...

Buck Scientific - Heated Split/Splitless Injector

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

The Heated Split/Splitless injector is insulated to help maintain its temperature independently of the column oven...

Buck Scientific - Heated Flash Vaporization Injector

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

This particular 910 GC model has a standard on-column injector on the first oven, and a heated flash vaporization...

Buck Scientific - Heated Adsorbent Traps

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

Heated adsorbent traps are a simple and economical way to preconcentrate samples for the GC. A heated trap consists of...

Buck Scientific - Enrichment Coil Accessory

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

Enrichment Coils use thermal modulation to enrich gas samples for quantifiable peaks. Consisting of a length of...

Buck Scientific - Dissolved Gas Permeation Loop Accessory

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

The Permeation Loop consists of permeation membrane tubing encapsulated in a trap-heated glass tube. When sample liquid...

Buck Scientific - Automated Calibration System (ACS) for the TO-14 Air Monitoring

Manufactured by Buck Scientific

The Buck Automatic Calibration System (ACS) allows for automatic, unattended recalibration when using a Buck GC...

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