Conductivity Meters
Manufactured by OHAUS
Convenient Portable Conductivity Meter for Wherever Your Work Takes You
Fisher Scientific - Accumet Excel XL30
Manufactured by Fisher Scientific
Measures conductivity, resistivity, salinity, and temperature with Windows CE* operating system and user-fr...
OHAUS - Cond Meter ST3100C
Manufactured by OHAUS
Smart Conductivity Bench Meter for Standard Laboratory Applications
TA Instruments - DLF 1200
Manufactured by TA Instruments
Compact, powerful, benchtop Laser Flash Diffusivity system.
TA Instruments - DLF 1600
Manufactured by TA Instruments
Laser 40% more powerful than any other on the market, 6 positions carousel for accurate and precise Cp measurements.
TA Instruments - DXF 500
Manufactured by TA Instruments
High speed Xenon source and reflective optics deliver a uniform, powerful flash on the entire surface of the specimen for high-accuracy.
TA Instruments - ElectroForce Planar Biaxial
Manufactured by TA Instruments
Superior control, in displacement and force, and unparalleled performance for characterizing the anisotropic behavior of materials and soft tissues.
TA Instruments - DXF 900
Manufactured by TA Instruments
Powerful high-speed Xenon source and patented delivery optics for the most accurate thermal diffusivity measurements up to 900°C.
TA Instruments - ElectroForce TestBench
Manufactured by TA Instruments
ElectroForce TestBench configurations were designed with component testing in mind, and thanks to their modular ap...
TA Instruments - ElectroForce 5500
Manufactured by TA Instruments
Advanced Characterization and Stimulation in a Compact System.