PerkinElmer - CulturPlate
Manufactured by PerkinElmer
The CulturPlate is PerkinElmer's Microplate designed for cellular assays, tissue culture treated and sterilized by...
EPPENDORF - Cell Culture Plates
Manufactured by EPPENDORF
Proven Eppendorf quality brought to a new level. Premium in all aspects: Product, Performance and Packaging.
BioTek - Take3 Micro-Volume Plate
Manufactured by BioTek
Micro-volume quantification is fast and easy with the Take3 and Take3 Trio Micro-Volume plates, used in your BioTek...
inSphero - GravityTRAP™ ULA Plate
Manufactured by inSphero
An enhanced, easy-to-use ULA plate for scaffold-free spheroid culture and assay.
EPPENDORF - twin.tec® PCR Plate LoBind
Manufactured by EPPENDORF
twin.tec PCR Plates LoBind improve recovery of nucleic acids by reducing their absorption to the tube wall. A...
EPPENDORF - Deepwell Plates
Manufactured by EPPENDORF
Eppendorf Deepwell Plates 96 and 384 are high-performance plates for all manual and automated applications – from...
EPPENDORF - Microplates
Manufactured by EPPENDORF
The Eppendorf Microplates bring an outstanding clarity to your laboratory! It has never been this easy to pipette,...
EPPENDORF - Assay/Reader Microplates
Manufactured by EPPENDORF
Eppendorf assay plates are optimized for measuring absorbance assays in the visible and UV range, fluorescence and...
Beckman Coulter - Biomek Microplate Mats
Manufactured by Beckman Coulter
Biomek® Microplate Mats have been engineered to tightly seal a 96 Deep-Well Microplate (1 mL).