Test Equipment - Pharma
Distek - Small Volume Dissolution
Manufactured by Distek
Performing dissolution tests on high potency drugs with low concentrations of active pharmaceutical ingredients is di...
Distek - ezfill+
Manufactured by Distek
Many of the main causes of OOS dissolution tests and qualification failures are related to media deaeration and di...
Distek - Validation Tools
Manufactured by Distek
The USP has suggested that physical and (MQ) mechanical attributes (such as height, centering, wobble, and speed) of ...
Sotax Corporation - CE 7 Smart
Manufactured by Sotax Corporation
Suitable for R&D and QC, manual and automated sampling, firmware or software driven, linked to UV and fraction collector for HPLC
Hanson - Vision® G2 Classic 6™
Manufactured by Hanson
The Vision G2 Classic 6 is a compact, rugged workhorse ideal for manual testing. The Classic 6 is precision engineered...
Varian - VanKel Series
Manufactured by Varian
Varian manufactures United States Pharmacopeia (USP) dissolution apparatus 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. We also manu...