GC-Single Quad/MSD
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34 Results
Shimadzu - GCMS-QP2020 NX Single Quadrupole GC-MS
Manufactured by Shimadzu
The Shimadzu single quadrupole GCMS-QP2020 NX gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) is not only the highest pe...
Quanterix - SR-Plex benchtop
Manufactured by Quanterix
The Quanterix SR-Plex Ultra-Sensitive Biomarker Detection System is the latest instrument powered by Simoa technology.
Agilent Technologies - 5973N
Manufactured by Agilent Technologies
5973 Network Mass Selective Detectors
Agilent Technologies - GC/MS Pesticides Analyzer Kit
Manufactured by Agilent Technologies
Fast Pesticides Screening With an Easy-to-Use Analyzer Kit.
PerkinElmer - TG-GCMS Hyphenation
Manufactured by PerkinElmer
The TG-GC/MS is a powerful tool for quality control, safety, and product development.
Varian - Saturn 2200
Manufactured by Varian
The Saturn 2200 is the platform that easily expands and evolves to support your continued...