Infrared Spectrophotometers
Bruker Optics - MIRA Infrared (IR) Milk Analyzer
Manufactured by Bruker Optics
Bruker developed the MIRA - a pre-calibrated, high precision IR milk analyzer - for the needs of todays dairy i...
PerkinElmer - Spectrum Two IR Spectrometers
Manufactured by PerkinElmer
Spectrum Two™ is the IR spectrometer of choice for everybody, everywhere. Ideally suited to everyday analysis,...
PerkinElmer - TG-IR Hyphenation
Manufactured by PerkinElmer
A Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) combined with an Infrared Spectrometer (TG-IR) is the most common type of Evolved Gas Analysis(EGA) system.
Foxboro - MIRAN 1a-CVF
Manufactured by Foxboro
This is a variable filter infrared analyzer designed for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) analysis. Prior to analysis,...
Bruker Optics - Anasys nanoIRS-s
Manufactured by Bruker Optics
True model-free nanoIR absorption spectroscopy
Bruker Optics - Anasys nanoIR3
Manufactured by Bruker Optics
True, model free nanoscale IR absorption spectroscopy