Thermal Analyzers
Instrument Specialists Inc. - TPI-Perkin Elmer
Manufactured by Instrument Specialists Inc.
TPI-PE (Temperature Programmer Interface for Perkin Elmer)
New thermal analysis systems that enter the market c...
Instrument Specialists Inc. - TPI-TA
Manufactured by Instrument Specialists Inc.
TPI-TA (Temperature Programmer Interface for TA Instruments DuPont)
New thermal analysis systems that enter t...
Rigaku - TMA
Manufactured by Rigaku
TMA is the measurement of a change of a dimension or a mechanical property of the sample while it is subjected to a temperature regime.
Rigaku - TG-DTA
Manufactured by Rigaku
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA) generally refers to the simultaneous application of thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA).
Rigaku - TG-DTA/HUM
Manufactured by Rigaku
The compact humidity generator is connected to the TG-DTA for measurements under water vapor atmosphere with a co...
Shimadzu - DTG-60/60 Simultaneous Thermogravimetry/ Differential Thermal Analyzers
Manufactured by Shimadzu
High Sensitivity and Excellent Stability Over a Wide Dynamic Mass Range
Shimadzu - TMA-60/60H Thermomechanical Analyzers
Manufactured by Shimadzu
Precise Measurement with Enhanced Functionality Thermomechanical Analyzer
Shimadzu - TGA-50/51 Thermogravimetric Analyzers
Manufactured by Shimadzu
Stable, High-sensitivity Measurements
Shimadzu - DTA-50 Differential Thermal Analyzer
Manufactured by Shimadzu
Ideal for Characterizing Materials such as Glass and Ceramics