DNA Sequence Analyzers

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59 Results

CEM Corporation - InsituPro

Manufactured by CEM Corporation

ISH and IHC Automation for Whole Mounts and Slides

Sequenom, Inc. - MassARRAY Analyzer 4

Manufactured by Sequenom, Inc.

The system provides increased throughput, faster time-to-results, and the ability to cost effectively run from tens to thousands of samples

Applied Biosystems - 3700

Manufactured by Applied Biosystems

The ABI 3700 is an automated capillary gel electrophoresis system capable of running all four sequencing reactions in a...

Applied Biosystems - ABI PRISM 310

Manufactured by Applied Biosystems

The ABI PRISMĀ® 310 Genetic Analyzer is an automated single-capillary genetic analyzer designed for a wide range of...

Illumina - HiSeq

Manufactured by Illumina

The world's most powerful sequencer is now more flexible than ever. The HiSeq 2500/1500 systems easily switch between...

Illumina - Genome Analyzer IIx

Manufactured by Illumina

Most widely published and adopted next-gen system

Applied Biosystems - 3730 / 3730xl

Manufactured by Applied Biosystems

Applied Biosystems 3730 and 3730xl DNA Analyzers

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