Setaram Instrumentation - SETSYS Evolution DTA/DSC

Manufactured by  Setaram Instrumentation
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High-performance modular DTA & DSC thermal analyzers (ambient / 2400°C)

SETSYS Evolution DTA up to 2400°C  
Highly-sensitive DTA transducers are available:  
  1. A unique tricouple transducer, featuring three thermocouples for the sample and reference sites resulting in unsurpassed sensitivity and resolution; in addition, the detector's symmetry guarantees excellent baseline stability.  
  2. Plate transducer for very-high temperature measurements (up to 2400°C).  
  3. Protected transducer if corrosive gas emanates from the sample.  
SETSYS Evolution DSC up to 1600°C  
The DSC plate transducer offers an alternative to use of DTA rods when a quantitative measurement is desired. It is designed to provide the highest sensitivity over the full temperature range.  
Up to 1750°C, platinum, alumina and zirconia crucibles are proposed for tricouple and protected transducers. Three volumes of crucible (20, 100 and 300 mm3) are available for different masses of sample to be analyzed or thermal effect to be measured. For limited-temperature use (up to 500°C), aluminum crucibles with lids are appropriate for the study of controlled dehydration.  
The DSC plate rod requires the use of flat-bottomed alumina or platinum crucibles. For high temperature or special measurements, tungsten or graphite crucibles with covers are available.
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General Specifications
DSC TypeHeat Flux DSC
  • High Perfomance Thermal Analysis Platform SETSYS Evolution with Easy Fit Accessory

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