Netzsch - TG 449 F1 Jupiter®

Manufactured by  Netzsch
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Outstanding performance in thermogravimetry - with high resolution in the entire range

The TG 449 F1 Jupiter® is number one among thermo-nanobalances because of the concept of a vacuum-tight instrument design and the successful combination of the highest resolution and unsurpassed long-term stability. 
Flexibility for all applications involving organic and inorganic samples is achieved with six exchangeable furnaces for the broad temperature range of -150°C to 2000°C and with a multitude of sample carriers and crucibles. 
The vertical design and top-loaded samples ensure total protection of the digital ultra-nanobalance, which is on the bottom, through accurate flow of the purge and protective gases in a natural vertical path to the top. This also provides optimal conditions for coupling FTIR and MS gas analysis systems to the heated furnace outlet. The mass flow controllers for 3 gases are already integrated into the base instrument. 
The TGA sample carriers are always equipped with a thermocouple for direct measurement of the temperature at the sample crucible. There are a number of different thermocouple types to choose from, depending on the application. 
Unique is the isolation of the sample carrier from the balance upon automatic opening of the furnace to load a sample. This guarantees reliable mechanical protection of the high-resolution ultra-microbalance and thus a long service life. 
From the outset, the TG 449 F1 Jupiter® was designed for upgrading for simultaneous TGA-DSC or simultaneous TGA-DTA. The TGA sample carriers are user-exchangeable within a matter of seconds, so a very cost-effective upgrade can be made at any time to an STA with superlative TGA and DSC and DSC-Cp or DTA performance. 
The TG 449 F1 Jupiter® is the most powerful and versatile TGA system for research and development as well as all material characterization problems for the area of organic and inorganic materials.
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Features of TG 449 F1 Jupiter®
  • Integrated mass flow controller for 2 purge gases and 1 protective gas 
  • High vacuum-tight assembly up to 10-4 mbar (10-2 Pa) 
  • c-DTA® for the calculated DTA-signal from TGA measurements, ideal for temperature calibration of TG 
  • TGA-DSC, TGA-DSC-cp and TGA-DTA sample carriers for real simultaneous operation 
  • Automatic sample changer (ASC) for up to 20 samples and references (option) 
  • Coupling to FTIR, MS and GC-MS over a heatable adapter (option) 
  • Extension with unique PulseTA® system (option)
General Specifications
Temperature Range-150 to 2000 °C
Additional Specifications

Heating and cooling rates: 0.001 K/min ... 50 K/min (dependent on furnace) 
Weighing range: 5000 mg 
TGA resolution: 25 ng 
Atmospheres: inert, oxidizing, reducing, static, dynamic, vacuum

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