This product is Discontinued
Gilson - nLC System
Manufactured by Gilson
Gilsons versatile nLC™ System accommodates columns from 75 µm to 1 mm diameter, providing you with a single solution for nano, capillary, or micro LC
Gilson's versatile nLC™ System accommodates columns from 75 µm to 1 mm in diameter, providing you with a single solution for nano, capillary, or micro LC. This new system provides an important tool for protein analysis - only the new nLC System can deliver gradient elution down to 300 nL/min. without a flow splitter. This allows the system to maintain constant flow rates independent of column backpressure. With Gilson's nLC System, users can develop multi-dimensional protocols that include sample preparation and injections from 96-, 384-, or 1536-well plates.
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Features of nLC System
- Splitless flow gradient delivery for nano to micro flows
- Flexible column switching capability for applications including multidimensional chromatography, sample enrichment and more
- Column-switching capability allows sample cleanup and preconcentration on the same system
- Precise injection design saves on costly samples and reagents due to reduced sample injection size and solvent consumption
General Specifications
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